
On the socks military: Volunteers began to collect dog wool in Kursk

Then, as the head of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Shoiga reported in front of Putin about the full order in the provision of the Russian army, Kursk volunteers collect the honest dog wool to knit socks and belts. Russian volunteers in Kursk announced the harvesting of dog wool, which will later go for knitting socks and belts on the military personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

At the same time, they emphasized that it was not needed, but combed animal wool, according to the local edition of Kursk News. A similar idea was slept in the opinion of volunteers from the Golden Hands of Angel Army. They announced the harvesting of combed dog wool from any dog ​​to tie warm clothing to the soldiers who are in the war in Ukraine. According to volunteers, this initiative is a pilot project of the group. "We, like doglogists, dog owners, were asked to collect wool.

10 qualitatively combed spies - a sock for a soldier, and the Caucasian can be tied from the Caucasus," - said in the group "Dogs. Kursk". The publication stated that volunteers are very worried that the invaders "backs are not ill and are warm. " Meanwhile, on October 28, Russian Secretary of Defense Sergey Shoig boldly reported to President Vladimir Putin about the completion of "partial" mobilization and stated that all problems for providing servicemen had been resolved.

The fact that such problems with the occupiers exist not only Russian military people, but also deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation. As the journalists of the newspaper "Gazeta.

ru" reported during the "partial" mobilization in Russian legislators the question arose - "Where is the money?" In particular, the chairman of the State Duma Committee on Defense Andriy Kartpolov and the Chairman of the Security Committee Vasyl Piskaryov asked the prosecutor's office to understand where the allocated funds were spent on providing the rear. The fact that this money was allocated was stated by Kartpolov himself in the broadcast of the propagandist Vladimir Solovyov.

In the same Kursk local governor Roman Starovoit also allowed himself criticism against the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. According to him, in the educational military units of the region there are soldiers who do not have the necessary equipment. "Somewhere is normal, and somewhere just a horror. I am surprised how the current educational part of the Ministry of Defense may be in this state," the oldway asked the rhetorical question.

In order not to annoy the Kremlin claims, some representatives of regional authorities have decided to start raising money for equipment mobilized. For example, in September, Buryatia raised money for additional uniforms and medicines, and in Novokuznetsk the mayor reported about the amount of 1. 5 million rubles collected. Earlier it was reported that the military command of the Russian Federation began a demonstration detention of mobilized soldiers who refused to fight against Ukraine.