Patriot SCR already carrying combat duty in Ukraine in one of the directions - the Armed Forces
He thanked our anti -aircraft who completed his studies much earlier," the General wrote on Telegram. Oleshchuk noted that in fact the Ukrainian army, though not large, but already in service with Western anti-aircraft systems, such as NASAMS, Iris-T, Patriot, Samp/T, Crotale, Gepard and others. "In order for the puzzle of promising Ukrainian air defense to be finally formed, the air forces need F-16. Ukraine, we keep the sky and wait for good news from Ramstin," Oleshchuk said.
We will remind, the spokesman of the Air Force of Ukraine Colonel Yuriy Ignat on April 19 told about the effectiveness of the use of Patriot complexes, which came to Ukraine from Germany. He noted that US Patriot Pac-3 SCRs will be able to intercept the warheads of tactical winged and ballistic missiles up to 40 km away, and hostile planes-up to 150 km.