In everyone in the eyes. As Putin grew fascism in Russia and why no one hurt him
Ukraine is not even a state, he said to the President Bush (someone remembers such a president?) Bush, and Bush did not indign Anxiety! He was too busy in the search for Putin's eyes. By 2022, this giant abscess of fascism was no longer confused with anything else. The Putin regime coincided with the descriptions Few Putin's contemporaries, even intellectuals, were okay to see in him what he became until February 2022.
Everyone refused to believe that it is possible to have a real fascist in the present? It's the same game, isn't it? Politicians generally love games. Fascism is as well and in detail described as it could not be recognized, miss? The world has been denied for so long because it seems to me that fascism is described as a marginal experience, as a total catastrophe, as unthinkable. While fascism is a process that may initially look completely innocent.
Even though humanity was basically managed to remove fascism from the era and ethnic group, to stop it "excess of a separate nation" and to acknowledge that the roots of this political pathology are quite universal and "get sick" can anyone and ever. The patient was allowed to walk without supervision, where he pleases, as much as 20 years. Because "true" fascism is unthinkable, and therefore is impossible.
I think intellectuals will find a lot of work after this war to describe the process of emergence and consolidation of fascism. In general, in general, we know so-resaity, grandeur, blah blah blah. And in detail, substantive and in stages. With a clear classification of symptoms, noticing which you need to urgently to the doctor. For example, the first stage. Putin returned the Soviet Anthem (2000).
Also, the justification came up with a resarential - they say that my dad heroic did not worry that he put his life on false goals. The second stage. He stated that the collapse of the USSR was the largest geopolitical catastrophe (2005). Merkel was silent at this point, did not argue (because for her the USSR was a disaster, and his collapse - liberation). And it was necessary to argue! And not just one. Stage three. Munich speech (2007).
It was already an announcement of war, but all the successes that they need. Stage Four. Georgia (2008). The war began. Probably, it was the last year when the disease was still treatable. And then hardly. It is because all these stages seemed safe as part of "normal policy", it was convenient to pay attention to them. Therefore, it is important to describe all these Putin trips as an abnorm, as a manifestation of the disease in the early stages. Describe and document.
Psychological criterion is important here, which allows you to identify the pathological process. Not every fool or ham (or stupid and hammer) in politics-is certainly a ghost-nozzle of the human race. And when the intellectuals will do this work, the next "bush" in response to the words of the next "Putin" that such a people is not quite a people, will not smile at the world, wanting to get a clumsy moment, but will be involved immediately (not directly physically, enough and moral Lapas).