
Lubinets left the European Institute of Ombudsman through the export of Ukrainian children in the Russian Federation (video)

In protest against the actions of the organization, Dmitry Lubinets cut his membership ticket into pieces. The Commissioner of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on Human Rights Dmitry Lubinets declared his withdrawal from the European Institute of Ombudsman (EIO) due to the fact that two Ukrainian children were removed from Austria to the territory of the Russian Federation one of the human rights activists. The Ombudsman reported this in his Telegram channel.

According to Dmitry Lubinets, the responsible Secretary General of EIO and the Deputy Ombudsman Tyrol Joseph Zigel is responsible for moving children. The Austrian government has launched an official investigation in this case. The Ukrainian Ombudsman noted that Zigel's actions are a violation of Articles 49 and 50 of the Geneva Convention for the Protection of Civilian Population during the War.

The document refers to the inadmissibility of forced resettlement or deportation of people from the occupied territories. "The facts specified, namely the violent transfer of children of one group to another, is one of the signs of genocide in accordance with Article II of the UN Convention of December 9, 1948," On Prevention of Genocide Crime and Punishment for Him, "Lubinets said.

He noted that Jio Dragan Milkov's President ignored his request for internal investigation into Joseph Zigel's actions. Dmitry Lubinets appealed to the colleagues who are in EIO, urging them to consider the possibility of leaving the organization and condemn the decision of her leadership. .

We will remind that according to the Regional Center of Human Rights of December 28, during the full -scale war of the Russian Federation against Ukraine Ukrainian children were deported by the occupiers to at least 57 regions of Russia.

Also known about at least 400 cases of illegal adoption of Ukrainian children Last year Dmitry Lubinets stated that in 8 months of full -scale wars And about 2 million 800,000 citizens of Ukraine have been deported or forced to depart or forced to leave or forced. We also wrote that on February 2, Dmitry Lubinets reported cases of shooting pornographic videos with children illegally exported from Ukraine to the Russian Federation.