
They beat all morning. The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation have inflicted 12 beats at the Zazhka NPP - Energoatom

The shelling was affected by the infrastructure of the station, which is necessary to launch the fifth and sixth units - and supply of Ukraine. The Russian military in the morning was fired at the Zaporozhye NPP.

As reported at NNEGC "Energoatom", 12 hits were recorded, resulting in damaged trestles with special buildings, tanks of a reserve of chimosome water, a system of purging of steam generators, auxiliary systems of one of two general diesels and other equipment of the station infrastructure.

"The nature and list of damaged equipment of the ZPP indicates that the RA*have been targeted and failed the infrastructure that was necessary for the launch of power units 5 and 6 and the restoration of the production of electricity of Zaporizhzhya NPP for the needs of Ukraine," the statement reads. Energoatom also declared three trains in the Rainbow substation. Information on the degree of damage is specified at this point.

The company noted that it was decided to withdraw the fifth and sixth units to the minimum controlled power. This is necessary to get a couple that is critically needed in winter to ensure the safety of power units, staff, population and the environment. At the same time the occupying power blocked the preparation of units for removal to the minimum level of power.

In this regard, Energoatom appealed to the international community calling for measures to immediately take measures for the fastest demilitarization of the ZPP, withdrawing from the object from the control of the Russian occupation forces and the return of the station under full control of Ukraine. We will remind, on November 2, due to the shelling of Russian troops, the Zaporizhzhia NPP was completely de -energized. According to Energoatom, all 20 reserve diesel generators were turned on.