
The Armed Forces are taken under the control of the tick, and the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation retreat from the outskirts of Bakhmut - the Armed Forces Commander (Video)

Establishing full control over the settlement will allow Ukrainian servicemen to start an offensive on the southern part of Bakhmut itself. In the south of Bakhmut, dense battles continue, but the Armed Forces are actually taken completely under the control of the tick. This is the strategic point from which the offensive actions south of Bakhmut will begin. The commander of one of the units of defense forces Denis Yaroslavsky on the air "Radio Liberty" told this.

According to him, the Armed Forces have a promotion in the area of ​​the Kite, which is located in the south of Bakhmut, also in the north of Bakhmut 57 of the Armed Forces brigade has an operational success. "To date, the enemy retreats from the northern streets of Bakhmut. From the street of internationalist warriors the enemy was completely knocked out. Our artillery and minmet work tightly. Everything works for enemy knocking out. Daily assaults are ongoing.

We are now 24/7 Everything that is in Bakhmut. The tick is a strategic height from which the lesions can be applied. From the tick Bakhmut can be seen in the palm of the palm of the hand. As well as from the Berkhivka from the north, for which dense battles are now there, "Yaroslavsky said. He noted that the capture of the tick and birches will allow to take Bakhmut in the operational environment, and the city will be shot 100%.

We will remind that on June 29 in the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine reported that in the Bakhmut direction of the Armed Forces intercepted the operational initiative, and the enemy retreats after losses. In the direction of the Tickyevka, the defense forces advanced to 1200 m. In the direction of Kurdyumivka-by 1500 m. Earlier it was reported that in the west of Donetsk region Ukrainian defenders took new positions along the line Rivnopil-Staromaorsk and advanced to the Dyatny.