
Man, weapons, mission. As the Armed Forces changed for the 22nd year

The Armed Forces of Ukraine until February 24, 2022 and the Armed Forces of Ukraine at the end of 2022 are two completely different armies. It is not even a new Western weapon, although it will still be said, but how the inner core of the Ukrainian army changed, in the understanding of its purpose and communication with the whole people. Usually, this condition is called the People's Army - or, as they say in Israel: "The people form the army and the army shapes the people.

" Eight years in a state of limited war with Russia in eastern Ukraine were in a state of limited war with Russia. In these eight years, hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian defenders have passed through the front or at least through service in the army. This has created a tremendous reserve of people with combat experience, motivation, understanding and willingness that a limited war will develop into something more and more.

It is these people who have become the main core of mobilization, announced in February, which is coming, and today all the forces of Ukraine's defense are already under one million people. This is the first and most important difference. If the Armed Forces was once a typical army of our time, that is, simply by the power instrument of the state and consisted of only a few hundred thousand employees, today it is a large national army of national level.

Add a million volunteer movement to this-you will get a scale for a truly military organization that has been unprecedented in Europe since World War II. The second important difference is understanding your purpose.

If the Armed Forces "until February 24" could not boast of some more serious mission than restraining the enemy in eastern Ukraine, today there is a clear list of goals: it is the protection of citizens of Ukraine, the defeat of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and the return of Ukraine to the borders of 1991.

Truly, the Ukrainian army, as it was and ordered by the classics of statehood of the past - a guarantor of protecting the sovereignty of the Ukrainian state and the people who live in this state. After these two factors - a person (and a person is the most important in the army) and understanding of this person's mission - now we can mention the Armed Forces of the Armed Forces. The Armed Forces since the beginning of a full -scale Russian invasion were usually based on Soviet specimens.

Yes, there were several HMMWV and Western Rifle weapons, but it was all a drop in the Sea of ​​Soviet Heritage. Even Ukrainian developments-and they relied on the Soviet past: for example, the PTRC "Stugna-P", which showed itself in the battles of the PTRK. Now 2023 of the Armed Forces was met with a large list not only of Western weapons, but also their new samples in particular.

The western approach to the creation of weapons is radically different from the Soviet (and today - Russian) approach. It is a rate of quality, human factor (military ergonomics, for example), accuracy of systems and more.

With old Soviet weapons, it is impossible to implement many concepts of Western military arts - such as command decentralization, commanders' autonomy, rapid closure of cycles (time from fixing the target and its elimination) and synergy of various troops in a single network military mechanism. This is the third factor in the dramatic progressive growth of the Armed Forces for this year.

Western samples of technology are not artificial specimens, but a massive quality strengthening of the Ukrainian army. To take at least all sorts of armored machines (all masters and models), they have already been transferred more than 2,000 pieces. This is a great help. After all, hundreds of units of artillery, ZRK (the best in their class) and other samples - up to the light shooting. The Ukrainian army was found in three dimensions - the measurement of man, mission and quality of weapons.