
European countries and the whole free world should stimulate Russian citizens to fight for change

Hello, dear ladies and gentlemen! Dear Forum participants! I am grateful for this opportunity to address you and all those present, as well as all Europeans! Today is an important day for us - the Day of Memory of Defenders of Ukraine, who died in the struggle for independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of our country. At this time, in August 2014, Ukrainian soldiers were killed near the city of Ilovaysk in the Donbass. They were cruelly shot by Russian troops.

Ukraine then lost hundreds of its sons - in a few days. Hundreds of thousands who have died in the war since 2014. In the war that melted on February 24 this year to the scale of total.

The full -scale war of Russia against the lives and freedoms of our people, against ordinary peaceful cities, erased to ruins by Russian artillery, and against the culture of our people, which Russia wants to erase completely - Russian propagandists and officials do not even hide this goal, they say completely open They want to destroy everything Ukrainian so that it does not exist. They do not accept the very fact of the independent existence of our people. Like any of your peoples.

When we hold back Russian aggression on our land, we protect every European people from exactly the same expansion - the expansion of those who have nothing left human.

What can be human about who rapes children in the eyes of parents? In who makes the residents of the whole village - all, from small children to the elderly - to sit for a month in the basement of the school? What can be human about who directs the ordinary shopping mulle to the ordinary people who were built by heavy anti-ship missiles that were built to destroy aircraft carriers? In who provides artillery shells, which day after day burns urban quarters, ordinary houses.

In who interrogates and tortures people in so -called filtration camps, which are created by the Russian forces throughout the occupied territory. Imagine: 21st century, filtration camps. What can be human in who divorces Ukrainian children with parents and gives a criminal adoption in Russia, knowing that in Ukraine these children have relatives. Living relatives who are looking for them.

When we talk about Russian aggression against Ukraine and all the pressure of Russia on Europe, which is accompanied by this aggression - which is a very cynical pressure, it is a conscious destruction When we talk about all this, we mean not only those who are at the highest steps of the Russian power hierarchy. It is about thousands and thousands of different people with a passport of a Russian citizen.

About those who shoot on the battlefield on our warriors and shoots in the nape of peaceful people. These are those who press on the buttons of launching Russian missiles in Ukrainian cities. About those who develop and produce these missiles and other weapons used for terror. Those who work in companies that provide the Russian army and special services. Those who collect, carry and support Russian killers in every possible way.

These are those who hold corrupt Russian officials and generals who manage numerous businesses that are related to corrupt officials of Russia. Those who sow hatred of any manifestations of freedom, promote war, support repression. It is about those who are silent when he sees all this and who does nothing - does not protest, does not fight, even when he is in full safe in European countries. The Russian war against Ukraine has been going on since 2014.

For more than six months, the Russian state has been spending all the resources available to it to destroy our country, to split Europe. Most European countries have already seen and experienced certain efforts to press, cause damage, and cause people to suffer. And, according to the logic of any normal person, it is the citizens of Russia, who have something human left, should be the first in counteracting the war. If they have conscience if they have shame.

But we do not see constant and noticeable anti-war protests with the participation of the citizens of this state-even where they have no risk of any repression for protests, I repeat it again. Why so? I will leave you this question. It is complicated: why so? Europe is not a quiet harbor, where you can simply be exposed to the time when someone else is fighting against Russian terror. But, unfortunately, many citizens of Russia are so perceived by Europe. This is what they need European visas.

And, unfortunately, none of your states is immune to the fact that the military criminals, whose hands - the blood of Ukrainians, will come to you simply as tourists, and one day they will receive an order - and will not become tourists at all. It should not be so. And we all have to defend ourselves in Europe. Both those in the European Union and all other European countries. Because Russian terror is the same threat to all of us, to all who live here, for all European peoples.

Who does not fight against terror, he supports him, and therefore divides responsibility for all its consequences. This should be a rule that will return the power to all other rules. The state that threatens everyone around him - from the Baltic States to Kazakhstan - must get under the full embargo from all in the world who appreciates freedom and respect itself.

An embargo is needed for all relations with Russia, with the terrorist state, while Russia continues the war, while it occupies another's territory, destroys the lives of other peoples. Ladies and Gentlemen! Ukraine pays the worst price for freedom and for our common ideals. Thousands of people were killed. Dozens of cities and villages are destroyed.

Now these are black ruins that look at the burned windows to Russia and whether the world is able to stop and attract it - not to forget, to be attracted - to responsibility for everything that is done against peaceful people. Millions of Ukrainians were forced to leave their homes, escaping from hostilities. And we do not have the strength to see how some European cities under the flag of the occupiers humiliate our people.

We do not have the strength to see thousands of those guilty of this war cynically, hoping that Russia is supposedly able to squeeze Europe and return to, as it is called, Business As USUAL. And hundreds of millions of people around the free world also have no strength to see it. So, we need to act now that our common freedom is protected for generations forward.

The stability and free development of Eastern Europe, the Balkans and all other parts of our continent, the values ​​of our continent, freedom must be protected and guaranteed. And that means very specific things. Sufficient defense support for Ukraine, support for weapons, shells, so that this war does not delay so that the victory is achieved as soon as possible.

Sufficient sanction pressure on Russia to destroy the illusion of the Russian leadership, as if they would be able to stand in confrontation with the free world. Sufficient protection of Europe itself, our people, our markets from Russia's hybrid aggression, which makes the same bet on crisis spreading, the spread of poverty as weapons.

This also means our close coordination with you in strengthening our association, in integration processes in Europe, in security cooperation between our countries. Stronger Ukraine is a stronger Europe. Stronger Balkans are a stronger Europe. We continue to help each other on the European path - as we do it now.

And necessarily - all the European Union, all countries of Europe, the whole free world should stimulate Russia's citizens to fight for the change of Russian state policy, stimulate that they are not silent and not accomplices of terror. You know what to do. I am grateful to anyone who already helps Ukraine. Helping us, you did not give surplus, but what really matters to you. We appreciate it.

We know that when we fight, when we all fight against this aggression with you, we fight not just for ourselves, but for Europe to win. The real struggle of each country for independence is a difficult way, it is something that generations. And now we are able to achieve victory for ourselves, for our children, for grandchildren, for all generations of our peoples who have fought for freedom earlier. I'm sure we will win. Let's win together.