
Appeal of the President of Ukraine to the indigenous peoples of Russia: Fight, so as not to perish, protect your freedom on the streets and squares

The peoples of the Caucasus! Now I am in the part of Kiev, where in the 1860s lived the hero of Dagestan and the whole Caucasus Imam Shamil. As you can see, Ukraine is able to honor your heroes. We preserve the memory of the places that combined the cultures of our peoples. It is the center of our capital. One of the hundreds of Ukrainian cities, against which Russian authorities are directing missiles, bombs and troops. The Caucasus knows what it means. The Caucasus saw it.

For 218 days we have been protecting from those who have more than ours, rockets and people, but who are completely devoid of decency. This is a war on the part of Russia, criminal. And we do everything to protect our people and the independence of Ukraine. This is our holy duty. Duty to our parents. Duty to our children. The duty to all generations of our people - those who lived and those who live on our earth. We don't need someone else! Already 58. 5 thousand Russian soldiers have died in Ukraine.

They came to kill us and died. You are not called this number. You are lying that about six thousand were killed. 58. 5! That's the truth. They all died because one person wanted this war. Only one. Which many people serve. The peoples of the Caucasus! All peoples in Russia! You have no reason to be among these many who still serve as one who wants this war. You do not have to die in Ukraine. Your sons should not die in Ukraine. You have no such duty.

Neither before your parents, nor before your children, nor before your future, nor before your future. And you know it. We see that you resist criminal mobilization, which the Russian authorities want to block their failure. The failure of his personnel army, his criminal orders. You are lying that there are no failures. Instead of ending a senseless war for Russia, the Russian authorities are trying to send new people to the place of the dead. What does everyone expect? You know the answer.

Ukraine will continue to defend and win this war against us. Because we are on our land. On our side is true. And with us the whole civilized world. We are fighting for the fact that it is true for any people on the planet-for life and freedom, for the right to happiness for all our families, for all our children. Russia remained alone. It is already isolated and will be convicted of this war.

"Everyone who raised the weapon against the truth raises it to their death," the Kremlin does not seem to know these words Imam Shamil. But these words should know in the Caucasus. They should be heard in Siberia and on all other lands from which people are sent to this war. And now - mobilization.

Fight not to die! Protect your freedom now on the streets and squares, so that you do not have to fight in the mountains and forests just for their right to live when the Russian authorities start the next waves of mobilization. Did you believe that they would only take 300,000 people pick up? The one who started this war will not stop only in the first wave of mobilization will still be. He will try to pick up other lives. He kisses on people. He does not respect the living or the fallen . . .

There are thousands of bodies of dead Russian soldiers from different regions in Ukraine. They rot in the fields, they are stored in the morgues. Those who did not burn the Russian army itself. The only army in the world that carries mobile crematoriums to get rid of the bodies of their fallen soldiers when he has time to do so. But now she escapes that even tanks and jet artillery, not just the bodies of the killed.

You just think about what you have come to! We are forced to start informational work to report to Russian citizens now, a special thesis: do at least tattoos with your name and last name, so we know how to find your relatives when you are killed and when you do not even be soldier token. Russian authorities send people without soldiers' tokens, often without documents! They do it intentionally to make it easier to lie to you how much people actually die here. This is their special operation.

Special operation from lies, terror, destruction of indigenous peoples. During the first week of criminal mobilization from Russia, more men have escaped than the Russian authorities were officially going to the war. And how does the Kremlin respond to it? He sends the military to the border of Russia against the citizens of Russia! It's a shame! And lies with some pseudo -referendums, with some confessions and annexations will end with even greater shame for Russia.

No one should participate in the shameful war. The Dagestans should not die in Ukraine. Chechen, Ingushi, Ossetians, Circassians and any other people who were under the Russian flag. In total, almost 200 different peoples . . . You know who sends them to Ukraine. The one who sends, he wants to make them 200. And you want it? No? I'm sure you want to live. I'm sure you are tired of lies. I'm sure you know that you need to fight now! For Russian citizens to go to war, they are artificially driven into poor.