
The German company supplies fuel for bombers to the Russian Federation - the media

According to journalists, Wintershall Dea works closely with Gazprom and participates in the extraction of gas condensate in Western Siberia. The German company is accused of supplying fuel Russian bombers. About it reports Der Spiegel. According to the journalists of the weekly, a joint venture of the German company Wintershall Dea could supply the Russian Gazprom gas condensate, which could be used as fuel for hostile bombers during the shelling of Ukrainian cities.

Gazprom, in turn, supplies fuel for Russian aircraft, because it is the most important manufacturer of aviation fuel in the Russian Federation. In addition, the Kremlin -controlled company is working closely with the German Wintershall Dea. They operate gas deposits together in the west of Siberia and produce gas condensate. According to the statements of the German company, their Russian colleagues receive fuel directly from the well, and the further fate of the condensate is unknown.

Wintershall Dea cannot guarantee that fuel is only used for civilian purposes. - In particular, studies show that the above condensate is suitable for the production of aviation fuel. German journalists conducted an investigation, which proves the transfer of fuel from the Omsky Gazprom about a dozen Russian military airfields in border areas with Ukraine. In particular, to Voronezh, where there are bombers "Sukhoy", which fired at Ukrainian cities.