
Armed people. Legalization of firearms is very timely. But the power for some reason is in no hurry

Why the deputies approved as a basis a law on the right to civilian firearms, if you were now there. That in the document and whether it gives the right to have a weapon as of 2022, Ukraine is one of the few countries in Europe, in which the issue of firearms among civilians is still not regulated until the end of the circulation of firearms.

On February 23, the day before the start of a large -scale invasion, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine approved the right to civil firearms on the right to civilian firearms. It is unknown whether the facts of adopting a document with the circumstances that took place on the day of voting or not, but according to many specialists, the possession of a firearm by a wide range of population in the future can improve the defense capability of the state.

As stated in the explanatory note to the bill, it should strengthen compliance with the regime of legality in determining the legal regime of ownership of weapons, consolidating the fundamental rights and obligations of citizens and legal entities in the production, acquisition, ownership, disposal and use of weapons and ammunition, regulate others social relations that are directly related.

For the legislator, the first thing is to solve the "philosophical" problem of ownership of the population, but the final legal regulation of this issue, regardless of socio-political views.

Actually, this is the fundamental difference between the right to own a weapon in the US: declared as an integral and guaranteed by the Constitution as a right that protects freedom not only of individuals and citizens, but also society in general, since in the bill now in the offices of the supreme offices Councils, the relationship between the individual and the state in the realm of possession of the first weapon is the main object and the goal of regulation.

What is the law of weapons contains a comprehensive list of terms with detailed explanations, such as the definition of antique weapons as "firearms made not later . An important point of the document is a convenient and clear classification of civilian firearms: - A - automatic firearms; - B - smooth -barreled short -barreled firearms (traumatic); - long -barrel firearms; - e - long -barrel firearms and combined firearms.

Article 7 of the Law clearly states that it is in civil circulation: "… Civilian firearms and combat supplies to it belonging to individuals and legal entities (except specified in Articles 8 and 9 of this Law), which received documents for the right of possession, use and disposal of weapons in accordance with the procedure established by this Law and other legislative acts. " That is, both the list of weapons in civil circulation and exceptions to it is clearly defined.

The exception, for example, is a long -barreled firearm of more than 27 millimeters, which corresponds to the caliber of artillery weapons and more than justified by law. The fact that the population is primarily understood by such a voluminous word as "weapons".

It is also noted that the civil circulation of "annexes" to weapons, as sights, thermal imagers, Picatini strips, is carried out without additional registration of documents on the right to weapons on the basis of both weapons and Civil Code of Ukraine.

In turn, "ownership, use, order and circulation of the listened civilian firearms, the main parts of the weapon, the means of reducing the volume of the shot and combat supplies to civilian firearms are carried out on the basis of documents on the right on weapons, in order determined by this law and does not require Documents on them ", which, in fact, also reduces the number of paper procedures and significantly" facilitates life "of weapons owners.

The only registry and office of a citizen is another important point, which will eventually bring to all the common denominator is the long-awaited entry into operation of the Unified State Register of Civil Firearms. The register should contain information about weapons and type owners, serial weapons and main parts thereto and special accounting objects.

It is also interesting to create a citizen's office (as stated, not in law, but in the presentation of the Register from the Ministry of Internal Affairs), which significantly reduces corruption risks and the possibility of abuse by various controllers.

Creating a register is no less important than regulating the circulation of civilian firearms, as this finally finally regulates all issues of direct regulation of circulation and gives the owners the opportunity to effectively dispose of their right.

The ownership of the weapon on the very acquisition of ownership of firearms, here we have a "typical" design - "the right to acquire civilian firearms, attributed to civilian circulation, main parts of firearms, combat supplies, 18 components of combat supplements. Legal entities, taking into account the peculiarities stipulated by this Law. " Also, predictably, the law restricted the ownership of individuals in category A weapons, that is, on automatic weapons.

Restrictions on automatic weapons (rather than withdrawal from circulation) are primarily due to the fact that automatic weapons are a tool for maintaining a military battle that is intended for combat missions, not for self -defense or sports shooting. It requires exclusive skills in handling it, since the absence of the latter is at an unjustified risk of life and health of the environment. Article 18 of the Law is generally regulated by the acquisition of ownership of firearms.

The ownership of civilian firearms, its main parts, the means of reducing the volume of the shot and combat supplies to it are acquired solely in the presence of a certificate of the weapon owner with the relevant category of weapons. The weapon registration certificate shall be issued for each unit of firearms in accordance with the procedure established by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

It is important that the emergence of ownership of civilian firearms is related to the entry of information in the Register. Possession and use of weapons without entering information in the Register is prohibited. The certificate is issued for a period of three years, and each subsequent (extended) - for five years.

It specifies information about an individual or legal entity that is granted the right to civilian firearms, and indicates the category (category) of a weapon that (which) such a person received. Individuals receive the right to acquire civilian firearms, combat supplies, components of combat supplements, the main units for it and allowed means of reducing the volume of the shot after receiving their weapons owner with the appropriate category of weapons.

It is also important that the number of units of civilian firearms and combat supplies to it, which may be owned by an individual, is not limited. The law also provides for the need for preliminary training with a weapon of a person who claims to be a certificate for owning weapons D, which also significantly reduces the risks associated with weapons.