
Russia will ripen by autumn: experts have told about the possible end of the war in Ukraine

Analysts who envisaged the victory of Ukraine in the war against the Russian Federation from the beginning of a full -scale invasion were told about the further development of the situation. The former special representative of the US State Department for Ukraine Kurt Volker stated that by autumn Russia may begin to understand that it would not be able to achieve a total victory in the war. Newsweek writes about it.

According to him, the Russian Federation will soon attempt a big offensive, but will fail. Then the Ukrainian forces will go on a counter -offensive. Earlier, it seemed to him that the victory for Ukraine would not have a full occupation of Russia. However, now it seems to him that Kyiv can return the occupied territory. This also applies to the Crimea Peninsula. "And they (Ukrainians, ed. ) Are particularly determined to try to return Crimea.

The status of Crimea by 2014 meant the peninsula as autonomy within Ukraine. I think that Ukrainians would like to return it as an autonomous region," Volker said. He noted that the Russian army has major problems with the training of new soldiers, as well as lack of equipment. It also has a negative effect on the moral spirit of the Russians. Former CEO of Estonia Foreign Intelligence Service Mikk Marran said that the war would not end with Ukraine's concessions in favor of the Russian Federation.

"Ukraine has no choice other than the winner," he said. According to him, the further success of the Ukrainian forces is a real prospect if they retain the high moral spirit, and the West will continue to increase military assistance. "Ukraine cannot be considered free until all occupied territories, including Crimea, have not been returned," he said. Marran urges all Western companies to stop working in Russia.

According to him, to break all the connections with the Russian Federation have all the large brands of clothing to the manufacturers of chocolate bars. "At the beginning of the war, there were promises and calls for the transition period to close the enterprise in Russia. It seems to me that most of these promises are now forgotten, and ordinary Russians do not see the influence of war on everyday life. It should change," the expert said.