
Looking for a solution: the Armed Forces has no means of combating Iranian missiles - the Armed Forces

According to Ukrainian experts from anti-aircraft missile troops, the best protection against Iranian missiles today is to destroy them in warehouses. The Armed Forces of Ukraine do not yet have anti -missile defense (O), which are capable of counteracting Iranian ballistic missiles that Moscow invited to Tehran. However, the Ukrainian military is looking for a way out of the situation, in the briefing the adviser to the Armed Forces of the Armed Forces Yuriy Ignat.

According to him, the Ukrainian military has information that the enemy will strengthen their capabilities through Iranian ballistic missiles. Since Ukrainian air defense has not yet had the means of counteraction to Iranian weapons, the most effective is to destroy rockets in warehouses. "Our SDR experts (anti-aircraft missile troops) say that the best protection against them is to destroy them in warehouses.

Because there are no such anti-missile defense systems in Ukraine in Ukraine to effectively counteract them. If there are no mechanisms in the world to prevent their supply from being supplied ", - said Ignat. The American edition of The Washington Post has published a material that is about preparing a new Iranian armament party for Russia.

Journalists write that the transmission of Fateh-110 and Zolfaghar missile systems, but the number of weapons and the timing of supply to US intelligence is still unknown. Meanwhile, none of the parties commented on this information, as well as the US special services refused to comment to TWP reporters. At the same time, the publication was cited by a specialist in the Iranian weapons from the Washington Institute of Middle East Policy of Farazin Nadimima.

"A step from drones to land-land missiles can give the Russians more opportunities and significantly strengthen their military power," the expert said. Analysts from the Center for Strategic and International Research (CSIS) say that Iran has the largest and most diverse rocket arsenal in the Middle East, given thousands of ballistic and winged missiles. Over the last decade, Tehran has invested considerable funds in improving the accuracy and mortality of these weapons.

Such developments made Iran missile troops a powerful tool for demonstrating Iran's force and a real threat to NATO allies. During hostilities in Syria in June 2017, Iran launched six missiles from Eastern Syria aimed at the positions of Islamic states in the Deir-Zar area to take revenge on the attacks of Islamic states on Tehran.