
Cultural Front. As the Olympus Olympus changed during the year of the war

Some of the mastoders of Pomusics are still going to the bottom, and one of the stars is on the ridge of the wave. During the year of the war, the Ukrainian pop Olympus changed radically. All artists do not have regular tour while fighting. But one of the stars went abroad, someone remained, for someone the war put creativity on a pause, in some, on the contrary, provoked a spike in activity, and as a result - a regular presentation on YouTube new material that is gaining millions of views.

No one was unknown to the rappers of Skofka and Kalush yesterday, and literally seemed to be unbreakable mastododes of national popmuse, such as Oleg Vinnik and Potap, disappeared from the radars. But there are those who, like Artem Pivovarov and Nadia Dorofeev, remained afloat and take a normal course. The focus understood how the landscape of the Ukrainian stage changed.

We have already written about the phenomenal success of the song-hymn of the 28-year-old Skofka rapper, dedicated to a friend, who served in the Armed Forces and died, which has now gained 33 million views on YouTube. The chorus sounds in this composition: "In the sky pure to hear the thunder in the sky, but to hear the anthem . . .

" About the young rappers, then from 2021 and the beginning of the war, their affairs went up cool-this also applies to the Kalush newcomer, who won Eurovision-2022 (By the way, in 2021 the joint track "Home" Kalush and Skofka, where the last - the author of music, gained 58 million views). It was possible to stay afloat and 30-year-old Ukrainian horses: Artem Pivovarov's song "Duma" on Taras Shevchenko's poems performed by Artem and Nadi Dorofeeva gained a record 30 million views on YouTube.

The composition was created within the framework of the author's project of Pivovarov "Your poems, my notes". For Dorofeeva, this is the first release from the beginning of a full -scale war. The ballad has a powerful guitar arrangement and a bright tune (this is the third or fourth musical version of Taras Shevchenko's permanent poem) - the hit sounded from everywhere. The artists commented under the video: "We know that music has the ability to treat and heal.

We know that it is not only mental but also physical. " It should be said that Pivovivrov managed to pull out of some variety nothingness and another Ukrainian star-Olga Polyakov, which has already returned from abroad. It is known that the lyrics are not the strength of Ollie, who in her work emphasized the humor from the ancient hit "Slapka". When she already performed Miroslav Skoryk's lullaby during the war, the video scored a modest 18,000 views.

But the ballad "rejoicing" on the poem of Lesya Ukrainka within the same project of Pivovarov took the worthy 7. 1 million Alexander Ponomarev, whose popularity before the war reached critically low marks, advanced in the first row due to his patriotic hits written in the traditional manner, but those that correspond to the spirit of time. In the first place among such tracks - "Ukraine will win!", Which gained 27 million views.

Ponomaryov wrote this thing two months after the invasion of the Russian Federation into Ukraine, gathering many national stars for its implementation: Mikhail Hom (Dzidzo), Taras Polo ("Antibodies"), etc. The activity of the singer and songwriter Jerry Heil with emigration to Germany has only increased. She became famous for the ironic "Okhran, Damn", but now she has a series of bright lyrical hits.

For example, her insightful "#dream" is powerfully turning on FM stations, and on YouTube has gained 7. 8 million views. Her joint tracks with the rapper Alyona Alyona, who also went to Germany, "My family" and #kupala Kupala have the same high rates. That is, the forced departure of Ukrainian stars abroad does not mean their complete disappearance from the area of ​​attention of fans. But this is the case with the two largest Ukrainian artists - Oleg Vinnik and Potap.

From February 24, 2022, 49-year-old Oleg Vinnyk disappeared from radar. He does not lead social networks and does not connect with fans, was not noticed in conducting charity concerts. There was information that Oleg emigrated to Germany, where treatment is taking place. "Oleg Vinnyk disappeared as much as possible. Other artists will probably come to his place, and this Gestalt will be closed.

Some people from his team no longer work with him, because there is no one to work with, there is no artist as such. Unfortunately, I cannot say, What I know about Oleg Vinnik's condition. I do not have a moral right to it, "said the presenter of Glory Demin, what he wrote about. It should be noted that Oleg Vinnik's popularity broke out in Ukraine instantly in 2017. It was thought that he was a successful replacement of Stas Mikhailov - his songs were also found in 30+ women.

The army of fans, called "wolves" - by the name of the hit, has grown. Oleg Vinnik translated many of his songs in Ukrainian, expressed his support in every way. It is worth noting that before the appearance in Ukraine Vinnik lived and worked in Germany - sang in musicals. Of course, he had ligaments there. His team says that the artist can not perform on stage. Will come back when he gets better. He recorded new compositions, but today he has not taught any of them on the network.

With a rapper and producer, a 41-year-old Potap, a similar story happened, only a large-scale invasion of the Russian Federation on February 24 found him in Spain, where he rested with his wife-singer Nastya Kamensky. The artist returned to Ukraine only in September, confessing that he was treated abroad for a serious illness. According to the rapper, he suffered a Covid-19, after which he had otitis, and then Remie Hanti syndrome (facial and nerves).

Recently, both stars, having joined the effort, recorded the "Best Day" soundtrack for the Ukrainian Comedy movie "Mad Wedding" (2018): the tape became a national blockbuster and a song - a hit that scored 40 million views on YouTube. Potap reported that he would no longer write songs in Russian, and here literally published a track in Ukrainian "Volunteer" - the first during the war. Volunteer track raised a wave of Hate, causing a scandal. The whole thing is in content. "Come on, dance, small.

Two nights didn't sleep. And she wasn't at home. Oh, Mom, do not ask who she was, and where she spent the night. I was with boys, fighters. I volunteered," the artist sings. About volunteers - relevant? So. But Potap mistake was that he applied his cynical-fir style to military-patriotic theme. When a little more than a year ago, in a similar style, he was patriotic in love in the Ukrainian capital in the track "Kiev", no negative. In addition, the composition was Russian.

By the way, it can be noted that the Russian language did not disappear from the media space related to domestic music. For example, the Ukrainian influent (from the influence - "injection", a blogger with a large and loyal audience) Mishana Ogorodnik - a rapper and a cyclist (2 million subscribers), published "disk on Putin", which is now extremely popular in Ukrainian schools, And on YouTube, the track gained 700,000 views.

Why? There, in accessible teenagers, everything that happened to us from the moment of invasion of the Russian Federation into Ukraine has been translated with a laconic form. The situation is shown from two sides: in Ukraine and Russia.