
Almost one and a half times: Russia has intensified Ukraine's shelling over the last week (infographics)

The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine claims that in the last week the Russians have begun to use more actively use missiles and drones-Kamikadze. On June 28, at the Military Center Military Center, the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine announced an increase in the number of missiles and shock drones that Russia fired at the Ukrainian territory. In particular, the number of rockets has increased 1. 6 times, it is reported in the Facebook Center's official page.

The media center experts calculated the number of missiles of different types and the number of drones-Kamikadze that the Russian Federation beat in Ukraine. After that, two periods were compared - the last week and the previous one. Missile statistics: that is, the rocket has become more than 1. 6 times. Dronov-Kamikadze Statistics: that is, Dronov-Kamikadze has become more than 1. 4 times.

The infographic, which was created at the Media Center of the Defense Ministry, clearly shows how significantly the number of shells produced by Russia has changed. In conclusion, the media stressed that it is forbidden to publish any information about the work of Ukrainian air defense on social networks. It should be noted that representatives of the Armed Forces regularly report on the number of missiles and drones issued by the Russian Army and the successes of the Ukrainian air defense.

For example, on June 16, the enemy released 7 shells of different types - all were destroyed. It was on June 16 that President of South Africa Siril Ramafos visited Kiev: first his spokesman said that everything was calm in the capital, but then he admitted - the attack was, from her hiding in shelter. On June 23, the Russian army attacked an airfield in the Khmelnytsky region. 13 rockets were released - everyone was knocked down, and most of them were in the sky above Khmelnytskyi.