
It won't go to the war: mobilized in Chelyabinsk region killed on the train of his companion

The drunken sergeant fought with the captain in the coupe of the staff wagon and scored him to death. The suspect faces up to 15 years in prison. On the evening of December 23, a mobilized senior sergeant in a state of alcoholic intoxication attacked the captain in the compartment of the staff wagon of a military echelon at the station in the Chelyabinsk region of the Russian Federation. The Russian military died in place of injuries. About it writes the agency "Ria Novosti".

According to journalists, the killed captain was also called as part of mobilization in Russia. The Magnitogorsk Garrison Military Court has chosen a measure of restraint for a Russian serviceman in the form of a two -month detention. "On December 27, the court of the Magnetic Garrison Military Court chosen a measure of detention for 2 months for a period of 2 months for the senior sergeant," the court said.

The senior sergeant is accused of Article 334 (3) of the Criminal Code of Russia - "violent actions against the chief with causing grave consequences committed during the mobilization period. " This part was introduced to the Russian Criminal Code in September this year. The suspect threatens from 5 to 15 years in prison. We will remind, on December 26 in the Moscow region, 8 mobilized Russians were detained in the evening, who left the war zone in the Luhansk region.