
Cotton Map: Since February 24, 72 explosions and fires at military facilities occurred in the Russian Federation - the media

According to journalists, most often in the Russian Federation of Palia military enlistment offices and conscription points. Such cases were counted 44, the first occurred four days after the large -scale invasion of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation into Ukraine. From February 24, explosions and fires took place in 72 military enlistments, military bases, warehouses and other Russian troops on the territory of the Russian Federation and annexed Crimean Peninsula.

About it reports the Telegram-channel "Verkha", whose staff collected data from open sources. Most often set fire to military enlistment offices and conscripts: there were 44 such cases. The first occurred in February, after four days from the beginning of a large -scale introduction of troops to Ukraine. The 21-year-old resident of the Moscow Lukhovtsi was called responsible in the arson.

Probably, the man smashed the windows of the local military enlistment office and threw a bottle with an incendiary mixture. Similar cases were observed on a monthly basis-more often in May and the period of September-October, when Russian President Vladimir Putin announced "partial mobilization". At least 28 outbreaks were on the following facilities: most of these cases were in August - at objects in the Moscow region, Belgorod region and Crimea. There were several fires on the peninsula.

There were also many fires in October in the territory of the Russian Fleet in the Yaroslavl region and in a military warehouse in the Belgorod area. In addition to military objects, the fire occurred at the Russian Defense Ministry in Tver and in the building of the Permi Powder Plant, and twice. Recall that there was a outbreak in the shopping center, the flames covered a large area. Earlier, Focus reported that Zelensky responded to a blow to Engels.