
Putin's message: US nuclear submarine entered the Mediterranean - media

The USS Rhode Island submarine, called the Nuclear Apocalypse Rider, can carry 24 intercontactal missiles with a range of up to 18 thousand kilometers. The Mediterranean entered the US Atomic Submarine called Rhode Island. The Italian edition of La Repubblica said that the ship could oppose a potential opponent. Journalists call Rhode Island "a nuclear apocalypse rider", as there should be from 150 to 200 atomic warheads on the ship.

The submarine is equipped with 24 Trident II intercontinental missiles, which carry up to 14 nuclear warheads and can strike at a great speed up to 18 thousand kilometers. It is a powerful means of restraining and a good reason for Russia to give up nuclear weapons. In the Mediterranean, there may also be an atomic submarine of the USS Florida, which was last seen in the Gibraltar Strait about a month ago.

It carries 154 winged missiles with ordinary warheads that can start seven pieces and move to the goal underwater. Many experts believe that in the summer, the United States has shown "Florida" near Crete Island to persuade Russia not to use tactical weapons in Ukraine - the firing capacity of the submarine is enough to strike a devastating impact without the use of nuclear technologies.

To confront NATO, Russia sent its nuclear submarine "Severodvinsk" to the Mediterranean Sea, observed by the Navy of Italy in the Sicilian Strait at the end of August. The ship does not carry nuclear warheads, but instead armed with long -range winged rockets "caliber" and, according to some reports, hypersonic missiles "Zircon". Earlier, information emerged that the higher military leadership of the Russian Federation discussed the task of nuclear strike in Ukraine.

President Vladimir Putin did not participate in the conversation, but he was alarmed by the United States and allied countries. However, recently, US intelligence has doubted Russia's nuclear capabilities. Data on the conversations of the Russians are not sufficiently reliable and some phrases could be torn from the context. So far, the scouts do not see the signs that Vladimir Putin is ready to use nuclear weapons in the war in Ukraine.