
NATO staged hunting for a Russian submarine off the coast of Norway (photo)

Eyewitnesses say they had the impression that the Alliance's forces forced Russian submarine to float. The British tabloid Daily Mail reported the incident that had happened in the North Sea off the coast of Norway. On August 7, the Poseidon P-8 Air Force patrol aircraft, called the "submarine hunter", pursued the Russian shark atomic submarine. Norwegian warships were also watched by the movement of the Russian vessel.

The British engineer who works on the Norwegian shelf photographed NATO ships and the Russian Submarine. "On Sunday night we saw the British Poseidon P-8, and on Monday-NATO NATO ships and submarine itself in the surface position," he said. According to an eyewitness, he had the impression that NATO forces forced the submarine to float. However, experts doubt this.

"They can only be forced with deep bombs," said Sidhart Kausal, a researcher of the Royal Joint Institute for Defense Research, is a game in cats between underwater patrols and the countries they approach. So safer. " Kausal, having studied the photo, confirmed that they depicted a "shark" and suggested that the ship could belong to the Northern Fleet of the Russian Federation.

Out the coast of Norway, it could be on the way to the port of registration, returning from the parade in honor of the Navy Day of Russia, which was held in St. Petersburg on July 31. "Whatever the submarine is doing there, whether it is a simple transit or something secret, Norwegians would like to follow it with the help of NATO forces," the expert said. - NATO states that the activity of Russian submarines is at the level that they have not seen since the Cold War.

The publication notes that in July the same area the British warship tracked the movement of two Russian submarines when they went to the North Sea. Recall that in early July the Navy of Russia received the longest of the famous submarine "Belgorod", It was transferred to Severodvinsk port. The manufacturer calls the underwater vessel research, but experts believe that it is intended for espionage and can carry nuclear missiles.