
Tanks, guns, howitzers, RSZV. Marines "worked out" on the positions of the occupiers

On Monday, September 5, the Marines, performing the task of repeling full -scale armed aggression of the Russian Federation, applied fire damage to the invaders, destroying enemy equipment. In particular, three self-propelled howitzers of the MSTA-B and two guns of hyacinth-C of the Russian army. This was reported by the press service of the Navy of the Armed Forces on Telegram.

As it is noted, the Marines destroyed two tanks, two combat armored vehicles, two self-propelled hyacinth-C guns, three self-propelled howitzers of the MSTA-B, one self-propelled artillery gun, one rocket launcher and four units of automotive equipment. Video of the day as of Tuesday, September 6, since the beginning of a full -scale invasion of Ukraine, Russia has lost about 50 150 military. The enemy suffered the biggest losses per day in the Donetsk direction.