
In the Rostov region of the Russian Federation, thousands of cars were stuck in snow captivity (video)

According to Roszmi, many gasoline ends, and food and water begin to end at gas stations. For the towing of the MHC machines sent special equipment. In Russia, a huge tube was formed in the area of ​​Kamenskaya-Shakhtynsky region in the area of ​​Kamensk-Shakhtinsky Rostov region because of the heavy snowfall, as a result of thousands of cars were in the snow.

This was reported on Thursday, March 30, in the press service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in the Rostov region. The most difficult situation was in two sections of the highway in Kamyansky and Krasnosulinsky districts, where the emergency regime was introduced. "Heavy equipment from the Don Rescue Center of the Ministry of Emergencies of Russia and the fire and rescue garrisons is sent to treading vehicles. There are about 60 people and 40 units of equipment on the site.

" According to social networks, because of anomalous snowfall, problems with movement began in the afternoon. According to one of the drivers, the trucks initially closed both strips and struck in the snow, and cars could no longer go around. The Russians complain in the traffic jam that the strong wind quickly recovers heat from cars, the Internet and communication work very badly. Many end in gasoline, food and water begin to end at the gasoline.

In addition, not every gas station is accepting bank cards, people try to make cash in each other. We will remind, on March 29 Roszma reported that in Rostov-on-Don heard the sound of a powerful explosion. Later, the head of the Batay administration stated that in the satellite of Rostov "emergencies did not happen", and "the causes of sound are found out".