
Each task completed by air forces is saved lives of Ukrainians - President on the Day of the Armed Forces

On the occasion of the Air Force Day, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky presented the Order of the Golden Star to servicemen who were awarded the title of Hero of Ukraine, and members of the families of the dead heroes, as well as other state awards. The ceremony took place in the yard of the Mariinsky Palace in Kyiv.

Turning to the audience, the head of state noted that since the beginning of a full -scale invasion, Russia tried to gain control of the Ukrainian sky, but even having a technical advantage, the invaders could not do so. "Ukrainian pilots, anti -aircraft and all who defend our airspace were much more professional, bolder and motivated," he said.

Volodymyr Zelensky noted that many countries of the world have military aircraft and air defense systems, but only some countries have truly capable military aviation and are able to achieve victories in the air. The President noted that Ukraine has done a lot to strengthen its air forces, but it is necessary to do much more.

"I am sure that the day will come when we can say that the air forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine have become not only one of the most capable in the world, but also one of the most modern and most technological," he stressed. According to Volodymyr Zelensky, each destroyed Russian aircraft and a spurl, every shot by the Russian rocket, each task completed by air forces - these are saved lives of Ukrainian citizens.

"On behalf of all Ukrainians, I want to thank you, everyone and everyone who is fighting in the air forces of our country," the President said. The attendees honored the memory of the dead moment of silence. During the award ceremony, the Head of State presented the Golden Star Order Yaroslav Melnyk, who, together with the personnel of the subordinate anti -aircraft missile battery, demonstrated military skills and successful elimination of the enemy's air goals.

During the performance of combat missions near the settlement of Balakliya, Kharkiv region, fighters destroyed an enemy helicopter, a rocket winged, several aircraft and unmanned aircraft. The highest award from the head of state was received by Lieutenant Colonel Dmitry Shumakov, under the command of which the anti -aircraft missile division successfully performs combat missions for covering the city of Dnipro and Dnipropetrovsk region.

Due to dedication, perseverance and skillful management of the anti -aircraft missile division, 22 winged rockets were destroyed during air battles. Volodymyr Zelensky also presented the Order of the Golden Star to the wife of Hero of Ukraine Lieutenant Colonel Edward Vagorovsky, who died while performing a task on the MiG-29, withdrawing aviation from under the rocket strike. Closing the group, Edward Vagorovsky performed demonstration, which provided other aircraft to rise into the air.

The Order was also transferred to the native Hero of Ukraine Major Dmitry Kolomiyts, who died, performing the task on the L-39 aircraft. During the removal of the group from under the enemy rocket strike at the airfield of the village of Ozerne, Zhytomyr region Dmitry Kolomiets, the enemy's aviation fire was distracted. Passing the combat group, he was shot down by an enemy aircraft. Volodymyr Zelenskyy also presented other state awards to defenders.