
UEFA fined the head coach of the national team of Ukraine for expressing the war after the accusations of

The head coach of the national team of Ukraine Oleksandr Petrakov received a fine from UEFA after the absurd complaint of the Russian Football Union regarding the mentor statement about the war. Andriy Pavelko, President of the Ukrainian Football Association, announced this on his Facebook page. According to Pavelka, Petrakov predicted disqualification, but the fine, despite the contrived accusations, still appointed.

Video of the Day of the Rosser's Hysterics about the head coach of the national national team of Ukraine Alexander Petrakov is not worth the attention of Aninimer's attention, because UEFA has long been considered. Of course, there is no decision to remove and could not be. There was also a small fine that the UAF had to pay for, ”Pavelko wrote. Earlier, Petrakov urged to remove all Russians from international competitions for at least five years.