
After the rocket falls: Germany offered Poland Patrioth Air Defense Systems

In Berlin, they are ready to help neighbors protect the airspace with Eurofighter fighters and the missile defense system. Germany proposed Poland an additional Patriot missile defense system so that the country could protect its airspace from possible rocket attacks. This was stated by German Minister of Defense Christine Lambrecht, reports The Guardian. "We have offered Poland support in ensuring the safety of airspace by our Eurofighter fighters and Patriot air defense systems," she commented.

Berlin's proposal sounded against the backdrop of a rocket fall in the village of Pshevodau last week, causing two people to be killed there. According to her, the incident, which occurred, found breaks in the European air defense system. According to the Chairman of the German Defense Ministry, the system about needs to be improved. When Germany was a "frontier" NATO country during the Cold War, there were 36 Patriot systems in the country.

Currently, there are 12 such systems in the German forces, two of which are located in Slovakia. We will remind, the President of Poland Andrzej Duda believes that Warsaw should be ready to repeat the situation with the fall of the rocket. According to him, the country is doing everything possible to prevent it. The victims of the fall of the rocket were 60-year-old Boguslav VOS and 62-year-old Bogdan Chupek, who worked at the agricultural enterprise.