
In the Russian Federation create a structure for discrediting Zelensky before the sunset - GUR

According to Ukrainian intelligence, provocateurs plan to launch the fake site of the fictional "Zelensky Foundation". Internet platform will work on the principle of network marketing with the involvement of foreign citizens. In Russia, an information action is being prepared on discrediting President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky. About it reports the Main Directorate of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine.

"The Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation has agreed to create a new structure with Russian special services. Its main task will be to implement an information action aimed at discrediting President of Ukraine Vladimir Zelensky in Western Europe," the GUR press service writes. As it is specified, Russian provocateurs intend to launch the fake site of the fictional "Zelensky Foundation".

This Internet platform will appear proposals for foreign citizens and institutions to join their "work". GUR explains that the whole structure will develop on the principle of "network marketing". "It is planned to create and further publish the assortment line of the Fund and register it at the trading platforms of Europe. This, according to the organizers, will actively disseminate the specified information in the European media space," the scouts emphasize.

As of August 10, the preparatory work on the launch of the project was completed. In particular, the Foundation website has already been created, and fake screenshots have been prepared for the distribution on social networks allegedly publications of famous media about the creation of the Foundation. In addition, the Russians have already formed their base of so -called "network leaders" and bloggers for the distribution of materials.

The launch of the project that discredits Zelensky and the work on its wide media promotion is scheduled for the coming days. GUR urged the international public not to provoke and receive all information from proven Ukrainian sources. We will remind, in Kiev prepare provocation against people's deputies on Independence Day. The Russians plan to organize a "protest action" under the walls of the Verkhovna Rada.