
The Czech Republic and Estonia do not let the Russians run away from mobilization

The heads of the Foreign Ministry of the two states believe that Putin's decision to distribute the summons to the population is not a ground for granting the Russian citizens asylum. Russians who run from their country to avoid mobilization do not meet the conditions for receiving a humanitarian visa in the Czech Republic. This was stated by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic Jan Lipavsky, reports the local edition of české noviny.

"I understand that the Russians run away from what Putin's desperate decisions can lead to. But those who run away from the country because they do not want to fulfill the obligations imposed on their own state do not meet the conditions for issuing a humanitarian visa," - stressed. Lipavsky. Currently, the decision to admit the territory of Russian citizens of the EU Member States can make independently.

According to the head of the Czech Foreign Agency, representatives of the European Bloc countries now discuss how to respond to a new situation, and want to develop a single position on this issue. Similarly, they are observed in Estonia. The Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Urmas Reinsala has told Reuters that the refusal to fulfill its civic duty in Russia is not a sufficient ground for asylum in other countries.

Estonia Prime Minister Kai Callas also stressed that the country will not hide Russian citizens who want to escape from mobilization. "Every citizen is responsible for the actions of his country, and Russian citizens are no exception. Therefore, we do not give asylum to Russian men running from their country. They have to oppose the war," the head of the Estonian government said.

Latvia Foreign Minister Edgar Rinkevich, for his part, stated that the refusal to accept Russian citizens is related to security issues. According to him, many of those Russians who are currently fleeing from mobilization had nothing against the murder of peaceful Ukrainians. The head of the Lithuanian Foreign Ministry Gabrielus Landsbergis believes that each such application for asylum from Russian citizens should be considered individually.

"The appeals of Russian citizens for visas will continue to be considered in the usual manner, taking into account all the circumstances of each specific occasion to avoid threats to national security, but with the preservation of open doors for persecuted representatives of civil society and opposition," - in particular, commented the Lithuanian politician.

We will remind, the Minister of Internal Affairs of Germany Nancy Feser stated that the country is ready to accept Russians who refused to participate in mobilization, under certain circumstances. According to her, it is a normal practice for Germany, because, as a rule, deserters, which are threatened with cruel repression, receive international protection in Germany. On September 21, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced partial mobilization in the country.