
Armenia VS Azerbaijan. Is Putin's hand here?

Tom Cooper Austrian military analyst, specializing in the history of combat aviation today I write about other events that were in the shadow of war in Ukraine at least the Thirty -year War between Armenia and Azerbaijan on Monday, September 12, broke out again. The story of everything that happens is quite complicated, so I summarize only the latest events.

Video of the day during the next stage of the 2020 war of Azerbaijan defeated Armenia, forcing her to withdraw its troops from the four districts, which she occupied since the 1990s.

The defeat of Armenia raised the question of demarcation of the border between the two countries, which includes not only the districts from which the Armenian forces were withdrawn or not yet withdrawn, but also the Gazashi district of Azerbaijan, the village of Karka in the Nakhichevan Autonomous Republic, as well as the Armenian Exclusive. Since May 2021, both sides have complained of numerous border violations by each other's armed forces.

Some violations have led to collisions with dozens of dead. As the tension increased in August this year, the Azerbaijan armed forces conducted a rematch operation, which took control of several strategic heights in Karabakh. On August 26, they also took full control of the Lachinsky corridor - and the area between (still) controlled by Armenia by Nagorny Karabakh, in which local Armenians proclaimed the independence of the Republic of Arts.

However, this was related to the ceasefire agreement, which put an end to the war of 2020. Therefore, on August 31, Armenian Prime Minister Nicol Pashinyan and Azerbaijan President Ilham Aliyev met in Brussels to discuss future relations between their countries.

The most important issues were such as the refusal of Armenia to withdraw their armed forces from the area of ​​Nagorny Karabakh: Armenia promised to do so in the ceasefire agreement, which put an end to the war in September-October 2020.

At least officially Armenia states that she has no strength: however, local Armenians who support Armenia on their side of the quasiio armed forces insist on their independent Republic of Arts, on preserving their armed forces, and all agreements where the arts are the arts. Part of Azerbaijan, completely worthless.

Indeed, although the UN has clearly recognized the area as part of Azerbaijan, they insist that the only solution to the problem of Nagorno -Karabakh/Artzakh is the international recognition and independence of their republic.

Other issues discussed between Pashinyan and Aliyev were: the demarcation of borders between the two countries, the mutual recognition of each other's territorial integrity, the rejection of all the corresponding claims; Opening of the border and communications, termination of military provocations. The meeting held by the President of European Council Charles Michel, ended with the achievement of the agreement on the further course of work and preparation for negotiations: in fact nothing.

Under the usual (and cruel) pressure of chauvinists in his own country Pashinyan rejected all the proposals of Aliyev, accusing him of demanding impossible… As Baku reported, on September 12, Azerbaijan servicemen seized Armenia servicemen who installed the Azerbah the so -called Lachinsky corridor. On September 13, the Armed Forces of Azerbaijan struck a series of blows from the air and artillery in separate units of the Armenian Armenian Armenia, this time in Armenia.

The blows were attached (from north to south), in the settlements of Artanish, Sotk, Martuni, Jermuk, around Lake Sevan, as well as Goris and Kapan. The operation began with the next blow to Armenia's aircraft: they were impressed with the UAV inspiration, which apparently led to devastating consequences.

Here are some examples:-hit in the radar detection P-18; -hit in radar 5H63C S-300PS; -hit in the starting installation of the S-300PP; -another getting into the Armenian S-300 SPR (this time the IAI Harop ammunition); -another getting into the C-300 SPR (perhaps, as above); And also, at least, one enclosure in the Armenian system of the IEP R-300G "resident".

After the Armenian air defense was depressed, the Azerbaijanis began to dwell on artillery, junctions and single combat vehicles of UAVs, own artillery and RSSU. This prompted the Armenians to complain of numerous sacrifices among the civilians. Currently, I have been able to find evidence only injuries among civilians. In response, the Armenians fired Kelbagar, Lachin and Dashzesen. In the end, the Azerbaijan Land Forces advanced to Armenia near the settlements of Vardenis, Goris, Sotk and Jermuk.

Although some argued that the Azerbaijanis were going to create a land corridor in the direction of the Nakhichevan Autonomous Republic, but apparently they limited their actions to capture individual Armenian positions along the (undetected) border. On the evening of September 14, negotiations were held on a new ceasefire, and probably the fighting stopped.

Summarizing the above, it can be argued that, according to reports from Azerbaijan, the Armenian side lost more than 200 soldiers and at least 30 Armenian soldiers were captured. According to the Armenian side, Azerbaijan lost 50 killed soldiers (of which approximately 7-8 special forces have been confirmed). Why is it all going on? Some people say that Putin is trying to distract from his defeat in Kharkiv region. Given his commitment to subversive activity, it would not be a surprise.

However, most likely, Aliyev decided to study Armenians. Armenian armed forces were bleeding during the last war, and thus the Azerbaijan armed forces have a huge military advantage. Because Armenians not only did not fulfill their promises to fully withdraw their armed forces from Azerbaijan (of course, Armenians on the claims of Azerbaijan claim that they will be "the armed forces of the Republic of Arcs"), because Armenia is so, as before, as before.

It claims the territory of Azerbaijan, as Armenia refuses peace, demarcation and opening of borders, mutual recognition of sovereignty and termination of military provocations . . . Aliyev makes them (painfully) to be aware of the consequences. Now the question is whether the government can finally bring local chauvinists to their senses - or not. Here's what is important.

Azerbaijan is not only a close ally of Israel for many years and a great buyer of Israeli weapons, he has also improved his relations with the EU in the last two years. At the same time, Azerbaijan is a close ally of Turkey. For his part, Armenia not only approached Putin, but also receives serious proposals for the Alliance from the Corps of the Guardians of the Islamic Revolution in Iran, which every time Armenia is in a difficult way, gives threats against Azerbaijan.

Over the past two months, Aliyev has signed a number of gas export contracts to the EU. Let them be done (which depends on the expansion of existing pipelines that connect tank with Supsia in Georgia and Jamhan in Turkey), Azerbaijan will probably become a large gas supplier to the European Union.

The EU - the leaders of which for centuries have been completely indifferent to this conflict, if they did not openly support Armenia (read, France) - are now extremely interested in preventing the war between Azerbaijan and Armenia - and the EU should decide whether it is to cooperate with dictatorship , which is legally "right" (and for the same reasons, the EU considers the right support of Ukraine) or - with Armenian quasidemocracy, which drives chauvinism, which is legally "not very right" and is a close ally of Putin, but is under The threat of a coup by its own army and extremist -minded nationalists .