
Replace obitrologists with "positive": governors in the Russian Federation received a new release - media

Data on the dead military have not been published for several months in the Vologda region, Tuvi, Buryatia and several other regions where the statistics of losses in the war against Ukraine are high. The Kremlin asked Russian governors to move from obithologists about the citizens of the Russian Federation killed in Ukraine. About it reports the Russian edition "Land".

According to the newspaper, the governors were received directly from the Kremlin - they were advised to be "neat" there are information about the dead, because it worries the Russians, and journalists, thanks to it, calculate the losses of the Russian Federation in the war against Ukraine, which are greatly different from the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

Instead of obituaries, governors are offered to publish "Positive" for helping families of mobilized, humanitarian aid and military awards. Outbologists have not been published in the Vologda region, Tuvi and Buryatia and several other regions, where statistics of losses in the war against Ukraine are high. In Hakasia, the last obituary about the Russian in Ukraine was published in late April.

The manager Tiva Vladislav Khovalig did not tell about the death of immigrants from the region from May last year. As it became known in March, together with Buryatia is the leading the number of losses of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. The Tuvintsi also do not receive information about the death of their loved ones in Ukraine.

In April, it became known that some of the inhabitants of the region recognized the names of their relatives on tombstones in Novosibirsk, although they did not receive a funeral. In Buryatia, head Alexei Tsidov stopped publishing obithologists from December 2022, although he constantly writes about assistance to military personnel and their families and about the assignment of immigrants from the region of military awards.

Buryatia previously took the 5th place in terms of population losses and became known as a region where partial mobilization was particularly rigid and anti -war protests were held. Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobiangin did not speak at all about the death of the Muscovites. The governor of St. Petersburg Alexander Beglov expressed their condolences about the death of the military in official telegrams (the latter was dated April 26, 2022).

Kuban Veniamin Kondratiev, the head of Kuban, published information about the death of servicemen on September 6, 2022. The head of the Chelyabinsk region Alexei Texler directly recognized the loss of residents of the region in December 2022. The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation last called the number of killed in Ukraine in September - 5937 people. However, some governors continue to regularly publish reports on the death of immigrants from their regions.

Thus, Sakhalin, Vasyl Limarenko, reported the death of two Sakhalins in his Telegram on June 19 (220 killed in the region). The layout of the layout in Parliament, commenting on this, suggested that "the recommendation on the positive" has not received from all the heads of regions, but only to those where many dead. At this time, at least 25 218 people who fought on the side of Russia were killed in the war with Ukraine.

"BBC" writes that during the war of the Russian Federation, according to the most conservative estimates, could lose 50,000 people dead. The irreversible losses of the Russian Federation can be at least 225 thousand people. It should be reminded that in Russia for the mother of the dead in the Belgorod region, who told about the death of the son, wrote a report on discrediting the army of Russia.