
The Russian Federation is preparing an information campaign for discrediting Zelensky in Europe - Ukrainian intelligence

Russian special services are preparing an information action for discrediting President of Ukraine Vladimir Zelensky in Western Europe. This was reported in the General Directorate of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine. According to the department, the administration of the President of the Russian Federation agreed to create a new structure affiliated with Russian special services.

"According to the plan of the authors of" stocks ", a fake platform (site) of the so -called Zelensky fund will be created and published, at which a proposal to foreign citizens and institutions will be placed, to join its" activity ", - said there. GUR specifies that propagandists plan to create the so -called assortment line of the Foundation and its registration at the trading platforms of Europe.

The work of the organizational structure of the Fund in Europe is planned to be developed on the principle of "network marketing". As of August 10, the main preparations for launching the project have already been completed: the site of the fake fund was created, fake screenshots allegedly publications of well -known media were created and the base of the so -called "network leaders" and bloggers for the further distribution of materials was created.