
Ukraine will become an EU member after victory over the Russian Federation, the European Commission Claimers

According to the deputy chairman of the European Commission, France Timmermans, the European Union has to support Ukraine in every way to European integration. Ukraine will not be able to become a full member of the European Union as long as hostilities from the Armed Forces are conducted in its territory. This was stated by Deputy Chairman of the European Commission France Timmermans in an interview with Deutsche Welle.

"It is (accession to the European Union during the war with the Russian Federation - ed. ) Is impossible. But the whole idea is that Ukraine gets out of this conflict by the winner, sovereign, independent, free and has the opportunity to make this choice. Ukraine is fighting for this to happen, "Timmermans said. Also, he said, the European Union has to support Ukraine in every way to the goal of joining its ranks.

It should be noted that the deputy chairman of the European Commission also compared the degree of influence of Ukraine's potential accession to the EU with the largest one -time expansion of the European Union in 2004. "This (Ukraine's membership, ed. ) Will really change the nature of the European Union," Timmermans stressed. We will remind, on January 10 NATO and the EU signed a new declaration of cooperation.

According to NATO Secretary General, the signing of the declaration is the most important for the Alliance and the European Union. After all, this treaty was concluded during the Russo-Ukrainian War. Focus also wrote that Ukraine has received a number of requirements from the European Commission for a number of reforms. Among other things, the Ukrainian government had to reform the Constitutional Court, strengthen the fight against corruption, introduce anti -oligarchic law and pass the media law.