
In the Russian Federation change the booking of the T-72B3 tank on the experience of invasion in Ukraine (photo)

The tank plant increases the reservations in the area of ​​the mask of weapons and over the caterpillars for greater protection against anti -tank missiles. The Russian defense enterprise "Uralvagonzavod" began to further book tanks T-72B3. About it reports Defense Express. In Russia, they began to further strengthen part near the mask of the T-72B3 tank. It is likely that the same will be on other Russian tanks T-90 and T-80 during restoration work.

In the report of propagandists from the Uralvagonzavoda workshops, an increase in booking near the gun on the tower is clearly visible. On Russian tanks to the right of the weapon mask there is a fairly large area that is not protected by dynamic protection as most tower. In this case, the photo shows a container that is similar to the elements of dynamic protection "contact-1". However, this is definitely not a DC, since its detonation when hit the projectile can damage the barrel of the tank.

Therefore, the authors suggest that there are elements of passive NERA type mask. This is one of the types of protection against cumulative shells. Also on tanks put additional protection on the caterpillars of tanks from grenade launchers and automatic guns. At the same time, Russian troops themselves "modernize" tanks. They install weapons masks and on the caterpillar of dynamic protection, which is said to be dangerous for weapons.