
That the State Property Fund does with the assets confiscated by the Russians

The latter confiscation was a real special operation of SPMU together with the SBU and the Prosecutor General's Office. The price of the question is an important raw material for the Russian defense. Prior to a full-scale invasion of the Deurin Mining Combine (GOK) supplied raw materials through a number of non-residents for the production of titanium, in particular, to the enterprises of the Russian military-industrial complex.

Then this titanium could be used for the production of rockets that Russia now fired at Ukraine. The holding and the plant belonged to the Russian oligarch Mikhail Shelkov. At the beginning of February 2023, according to law enforcement agencies, the High Anti -Corruption Court granted the Ministry of Justice's claim on the recovery of the oligarch's assets, in particular, the Demurin GOK, in particular.

Realizing that the managers of the Demurin GOK can try to withdraw all liquid assets from the enterprise, the SBMU, together with the SBU and the Prosecutor General's Office, developed and implemented a plan for their rapid blocking. A few days after the court's decision, law enforcement officers arrested all assets at the field, the mining and processing factory and in the head office of the plant in the Dnieper.

After that, they were transferred to the responsible storage of the Zaporizhzhya Titano-Magnesium plant, which is in the management of SPFU. Later, on February 24, the government transferred the Demurin GOK together with other assets of Mikhail Shelkov to the FDMU management. It is only one of the stories in which the State Property Fund, together with law enforcement agencies during the confiscation of property of Russian oligarchs, is directly involved.

Because of the secret of the investigation, we have no right to disclose more details. But we can say that SPMU does with these assets after official transfer. Case first - Mikhail Shelkov Demurin GOK - the most valuable asset that managed to confiscate Russian oligarchs who support Russia's war against Ukraine. This plant produces in the Dnipropetrovsk region in the Volchansky deposit of titanium-quirky ores raw materials for the production of titanium.

At the end of February, the government transferred this plant to the SPFU management, and the Fund's team immediately launched a bureaucratic process of its actual recovery of state property. First, it is necessary to remove the court arrests on property previously imposed by courts at the request of law enforcement agencies.

They were afraid that from the moment of detection of the sub -property and until the moment of the decision of the Wax on its confiscation (and this could last months), managers of the Russian oligarch can try to withdraw assets on dubious documents. It is expected that in early June, at the request of SPFU, the court will remove the last arrest - from fixed assets at the deposit.

In fact, it will be the last step to restore the work of the deposit and a mining factory that enriches ore for selling Titan producers. In parallel, the SPFU forms a new management of the plant. The primary task of the new manager is to register the charter of the plant, which will no longer specify the Russian sub -owner. After that we expect unlocking the accounts of the enterprise.

This will allow you to sell the remains of finished products in the warehouse to pay with the debts from the salary to the workers of the plant. It is planned that the SPFU will put the Demurin MPC for privatization in the third quarter. Another asset of the oligarch, collected in the state income, is the agricultural enterprise "Investagro". The SPFU has already re -registered the asset into state property, changed the management of enterprises and achieved the unblocking of bank accounts.

The company sowed 1500 hectares of leased land. Now the State Property Fund is preparing "Investagro" to announce the start of privatization of this company in the third quarter. The third asset of the oligarch, collected in the state income, is the Nikopol plant of seamless pipes of titanium alloys ("UKMPO Titan Ukraine"). This company can produce more than 500 metric tons of seamless titanium pipes of aviation and general purposes every year.

Recently, the Fund has revoked the arrest of an enterprise, which the court imposed a few months ago to prevent the withdrawal of assets by the former owner. SPFU is working on re -registration of the enterprise into state property. After that, preparation for its privatization starts.

The second - Volodymyr Yevtushenkov in December last year the government transferred the property of the FDMU to the Russian President Oligarch Volodymyr Yevtushenkov - 17 real estate objects in Zaporizhzhya region and packages of five enterprises in Kyiv and Zaporozhye. The most valuable assets are a group of companies "VIT" in Zaporozhye (SPFU received 34-42%shares). These firms specialize in the promotion, manufacture, installation and service of specialized transformers of any complexity.

For example, for metallurgical enterprises. These exclusive products are in demand in international markets. Customers - Hyundai, Siemens and many other foreign companies. The Fund has already provided appropriate calculations and proposals to the Ministry of Justice, which will continue to obtain a controlling stake in these enterprises and use scientific potential to ensure national energy security.

Also, the FDMU received the Directorate of Kyiv Companies "ITM-Ukraine" and "Smart Didjital Solushns". They specialize in the provision of services in the field of digital solutions (SMS mapping, development of programs for smartphones, development of chatbots). In fact, they were a subcontractor of MTS Russia. SPMU is now working with the Ministry of Justice to get control of these companies.

The SPFU also completed the work on the re -registration of the confiscated real estate of Vladimir Yevtushenkov into state property - the transport shop of one of the Zaporozhye industrial enterprises, the engineering building, etc. We plan to declare privatization of these assets soon. The third case - Viktor Yanukovych in addition to the Russian oligarchs, SPFU received the assets of Viktor Yanukovych confiscated.

It is an apartment and two driver in Kiev, three buildings, a dwelling house, two land plots in Donetsk, non -residential buildings in Yalta, as well as the Brig Brig Brig, two toyota sienna cars and Toyota Land Cruiser 100. The fund was already re -registered continues to work on registering the rest of the real estate. Also, together with the Ministry, we search for cars and ships. After the search, registration and de -occupation of Donbass and Crimea, we will put on privatization.

The SPFU also received several assets of the Mezhigorye residence and Tantalit and Lesnik's home, which they were recorded. In May, the SPFU achieved the registration of the state property of these companies. In the future, the Fund will transfer these assets to the monument of the landscape art of national importance.

The fourth case is Russian inciters in addition to the well -known Russian oligarchs and Viktor Yanukovych, the SPFU receives the assets of Russians who publicly support Russia's war against Ukraine. Mostly, these are deputies of the Russian Parliament or the rectors of higher education. In general, they have confiscated real estate in the occupied Crimea, in particular, apartments.