
FSO plans to protect Putin from a state of war with hypnotist and priests - the media

According to journalists, the Generals of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation prepare personnel for a "massive ideological attack by the enemy. " In response, the FSO considers the counternament and a collective hike to the temple. Generals of the Federal Security Service (FSO) of the Russian Federation prepare staff for "massive ideological attack by the enemy.

" For this purpose, a secret "plan of moral and psychological support of translation of the operational management of the FSO from peaceful to wartime" is specially developed. About it writes the Russian opposition edition of The Insider, which received access to the document. On October 26, military equipment and some armed people appeared in the center of Moscow.

As it turned out, the FSO conducted planned tactical exercises on "neutralizing threats to terrorism and protection of the highest authorities. " These exercises have become part of the special services in the event of FSO translation into wartime regime.

According to journalists who got acquainted with the FSO plan, the brochure states that the Kremlin's defenders in the event of a revolution may have depression, seclusion, uncertainty about the correctness of the actions of the authorities, feelings of fear and concern for their lives. In order to avoid this, generals propose to use "Counternasseing", conducting confidence conversations with young employees and weekly political organizations, as well as a collective campaign to the temple.

Foreign intelligence agents, which, according to the FSO, will still be organized by the state government, can use propaganda on social networks and the Internet, as well as "reach" the relatives of the Federal Security Service Officers. Particular emphasis is on the fact that some of the agents have hypnotic abilities. "It is true that it is for persons and how they can play and psychologically infect training Kremlin security, the document is not specified," the newspaper writes.

In addition, the enemy, according to the FSs, will use some "psi-generators" or "black matters", whose development allegedly was conducted in the secret centers of the CIA. As it is noted, General Oleksandr Komov, Deputy Director of the FAC, is responsible for the implementation of the plan. It is a particularly classified security staff and open information about it.